Seafarer International, LLC

Cost of Services

Seafarer prices its services to be competitive. Cost is determined by the specific requirement of each individual contract. Piracy typically evolves over time and vessels are now being assaulted well beyond the previously delineated High Risk Waters of the Littoral. Since most of our Anti-Piracy Protective Teams may have to board their respective vessels far outside the specified Danger Areas and ride for days prior to transiting these recognized areas of heightened threat, we price our services accordingly with multiple tiers. We charge less for transits, and appropriately more when we are sailing the contracted High Risk areas to protect your crews and valuable assets from potential asault. The cost of our other Continental Training and Expeditionary Logistics Services are also determined by the specific requirements of these respective services, as are our Crisis Response, Hostage Negotiation and Secure Funds Delivery endeavors.

For a Proposal designed to meet your Particular Requirements or for more information pertaining to our ability to assist you, please address your inquiries to Peter W. Symasko, our Managing Partner.